Wonacott Communications

Presenting Agence, the World’s First Dynamic Film

Just as silent films kicked off traditional filmmaking, Dynamic Films are the equivalent for AI-powered filmmaking. Dynamic Films are interactive entertainment experiences that use AI as an active author in the story. Agence, the debut short film in this new genre, is a dynamic film that uses reinforcement learning artificial intelligence (AI) to create a […]

Unearthing Launch Timing for Colossally Anticipated PSVR Game Golem

The initial reveal of PlayStation VR exclusive Golem back in December 2015 at PlayStation Experience immediately enraptured eager press and consumers hungry for more VR content in the earlier days of the platform. And, coming from a studio like Highwire Games, chock-full of impressive industry talent making their name through titles such as Halo and […]

Facing the Apocalypse with Philip K. Dick VR Experience, The Great C

Cinematic VR experiences have become a content cornerstone for the medium, but they exist in an awkward PR limbo. Videogaming outlets don’t usually cover them because they’re, well, not games, and film media avoid them because they’re not quite a full-length movie. But with some well-planned acrobatics, we maneuvered right under that PR limbo bar and […]

Securing Major First Wave of Coverage for New Philip K. Dick VR Experience, The Great C

Adapting legendary sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick’s (PKD) body of work has become a major trend in recent years, resulting in several critically acclaimed entertainment properties such as The Man In The High Castle, Blade Runner 2049 and Electric Dreams. When our friends at Secret Location tasked us with revealing The Great C, a high-production […]